Learning at Sheddingdean
We are passionate about learning and have the highest expectations of what our learners can achieve during their time with us. Our aim is that every child who leaves us is ready for the next stage in their education. Our curriculum is mapped out so that prior knowledge and skills can be built up at every step. Teaching and learning is based on the knowledge that successful learning comes as a result of the following strategies;
-Regular learning reviews (quizzing/rapid recall of knowledge/facts previous learnt)
-Presenting new learning in small chunks
-Quality talk (partner talk/sentence stems/introducing and modelling new vocabulary)
-Modelling and supporting learners through effective use of scaffolds
- Checking regularly for understanding (peer/self assessment)
Early Learning
We develop positive attitudes to learning throughout the school. When children start in Reception, they quickly develop the independence and confidence to learn and interact with others. Our Foundation Stage is a stimulating environment which encourages independence and a real motivation to learn. The classrooms and outdoor areas have excellent resources to promote learning. Continuous provision enables our youngest learners to independently practice the key skills they need in order to be successful learners. When you visit Gray Class you will see the learning environment is carefully planned and set up to facilitate independent learning and the acquisition of good language skills.