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Sheddingdean Community Primary School

Our School

Sheddingdean School was built in 1986, opened in 1987, and provides accommodation for 210 children. It is co-educational and caters for children aged 4 to 11 years. Children are admitted at the beginning of the academic year in which their fifth birthday occurs.

The school enjoys a bright and welcoming atmosphere and is set out on one level which makes it accessible for all.  Our facilities include a new library, a spacious teaching kitchen and a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 unit.

Hard surfaced playgrounds and grassed areas to the front and rear of the building provide facilities for play, physical education and outdoor learning. An early years play area is located adjacent to the Reception and Year 1 classes. There is large fixed play equipment in both playgrounds, a multi use games area (MUGA) and a 'secret garden' where Forest School takes place.

The school has a very well-qualified, enthusiastic and committed staff; an active parent association, FOSSA (Friends of Sheddingdean School Association) and a very supportive and involved Governing Body.

We warmly welcome visits to our school so that visitors can see our learning community in action. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange a tour of the school.

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